TMA Survey May 2024
These are a few questions about interacting with the TMA

Have you ever attended a TMA committee meeting or AGM?*

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Have you ever attended a TMA event? (please select all that apply)*

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Have you visited TMA online? (please select all that apply)*

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A few questions on membership and interests

Have you renewed your membership for the 2023/24 financial year?*

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If you answered NO, please share your reason. Please select all that apply.

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Would you be interested in attending any TMA functions that may be held in 2024?*

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Are you interested in volunteering for TMA activities?*

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Why did you join the Tomaree Museum Association? (Optional question)

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Part 3 Communication
How would you like to hear from the TMA?

How often would you prefer to receive updates/newsletters from the TMA?*

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How would you like to receive an update or newsletter?*

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Part 4/4: Additional Feedback
For classification purposes only - would you please tell us a little about yourself? The answer to these questions are purely optional but would help us greatly.

What is your age group? (Optional)

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What is the post code of where you reside? (Optional)

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If there is something that you would like to add please enter it here or feel free to email comments to

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If you would like to be in the draw for a $100 Coles Gift Card, please enter your email address below:

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Your name for the $100 Coles Gift Card prize draw...

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