From 1930, when the first family arrived, until 1950, Fingal Bay was peaceful, and out of the way.
A gathering of weekenders, holiday shacks and very few permanent residents. The only sounds that could be heard were the birds in the trees, the clucking of Jack Barry’s free-range chickens and the waves breaking along the beach.
One morning, a frightening, roaring sound that startled the sleepy community echoed across the Bay.
“What is that? It is on the beach next to the freshwater creek”.
Those in Fingal Bay at the time were alarmed and startled.
The source of the unholy racket was found: “Clatterbang”.
Not since the first car, a 1913 Buick, rolled along the sandy track into Fingal Bay in 1932 had the tiny hamlet experienced such a deafening noise.
This was different, it was on the water.
A closer investigation revealed that a young fisherman, Ken Barry, had saved up £90 to purchase his first boat, “Clatterbang”, a 16-footer with a 6hp Clay engine.
The first motorboat in Fingal Bay. Ken recalls the time when the engine first kicked over.
Smoke poured from the motor and everything shook.
All the birds, including his father’s chooks, panicked – such was the commotion.
Fingal Bay was never to be the same again.