What are State Conservation Areas and where are they in Port Stephens…
State conservation areas are lands reserved (with mining and oil exploration exceptions) to protect and conserve significant or representative ecosystems, landforms, natural phenomena or places of cultural significance that provide opportunities for sustainable visitation, public enjoyment, and research.

Tiligerry State Conservation Area
Tilligerry State Conservation Area was created in July 2007. It covers an area of 4689ha.
This reserve is managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Hunter Water, for:
conservation of natural and cultural values
protection of groundwater resources
water extraction.
In order to protect water extraction infrastructure and maintain groundwater quality, Tilligerry State Conservation Area is closed to public access.

Medowie State Conservation Area
Medowie State Conservation Area was created in January 2003 and covers an area of 2851ha.
The Karuah, Medowie and Wallaroo Group of Parks are located on the lower north coast of New South Wales, near Raymond Terrace and Karuah.
The group comprises Karuah National Park, Wallaroo National Park, Karuah State Conservation Area, Medowie State Conservation Area, Karuah Nature Reserve and Medowie Nature Reserve, and collectively cover an area of 10,301 hectares.
The parks are part of the traditional country of the Worimi Aboriginal people.

Columbey State Conservation Area
Columbey State Conservation Area was created in February 2011 and covers an area of 250ha.
Columbey SCA is located approximately 17 kilometres north-east of Maitland. It falls within the NSW North Coast Bioregion and within the administrative areas of Port Stephens Council, Hunter Local Land Services and the Mindaribba Local Aboriginal Land Council.
It adjoins the western section of Columbey National Park further contributing to the biodiversity of the region and increasing the diversity and range of habitats in the reserve system.
It forms part of a climate change corridor that links the Williams River to the east and the Hills area to the west.

Corrie Island Nature Reserve
Corrie Island Nature Reserve was created in March 1999 and covers an area of 164ha.
Corrie Island, situated at the mouth of the lower Myall River, is part of the Myall Lakes Ramsar site. The island represents an emerged section of the flood tide delta, and prior to the construction of the current channel in 1909 was only separated from the mainland by a small creek.
The Myall Lakes are listed as internationally important wetlands under the Ramsar Convention because they consist of a diverse mosaic of near-natural wetlands, within a relatively unmodified coastal lake system.
The lake system is unique in New South Wales. The Ramsar site contains 18 different wetland types, dominated by the extensive interconnected lake and river systems, the forested wetlands and swamps that fringe the waterways, the rocky and sandy shores, and offshore islands of the coastline.

Moffats Swamp Nature Conservation Area
Moffats Swamp Nature Reserve was created in June 1977 and covers an area of 151ha.
Moffats Swamp Nature Reserve is located approximately 20 kilometres north-east of Newcastle.
It falls within the NSW North Coast Bioregion and within the administrative areas of Port Stephens Council, Hunter Local Land Services and Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council.
It is comprised of wetland and drier open forest communities and serves as a wildlife corridor that connects Tilligerry SCA to Medowie State Forest.
There are no internal management trails within the reserve.